Agricultural innovation for all 

On 19 April, we held a workshop in Bugac with more than 20 participants. The aim of the event was to involve prospective users in the development of the application, which is planned within the PHITO project. This platform will be a community channel for agri-digitalisation, providing small and medium farms with access to precision farming, supporting their agri-digitalisation processes and increasing their competitiveness. 
PHITO members interviewing farmers and presenting PHITO app idea to them.

The day began at Gál Farm in Bugac, where we had the chance to see the life of an organic farm in the lowlands, guided by László Gál. Our host took us on a tour of his farm, where he also keeps cattle and sheep, in addition to growing various arable crops. He is an organic farmer who has been applying elements of regenerative farming for more than a decade. 

During the rest of the day, the workshop discussions continued at the nearby Karikás Csárda, where the invited farmers, advisors and researchers presented themselves during the morning. Most of them are farmers from the Great Plain ( Hungary’s food system in the project ), but they are also active in many other fields. These include consultancy, public administration, agribusiness, data analysis and agricultural information technology. 

During the workshop, we identified the main challenges faced by the different actors in the agricultural sector, and then explored three main topics with the participants: the issue of collecting and accessing agricultural good practices; the main functions of an online agricultural marketplace; and the possibilities of collecting and using geodata

This meeting provided us with a lot of ideas and good thoughts, which our partners were happy to share with us, as they know that they will all help us to develop an application that will contribute to their successful farming by taking into account their needs. Thank you all for your participation!  


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